(The decisions taken by the Political Bureau on June 9, 1953, MN)
Important decisions were adopted at the recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany. The Political Bureau, says the communique issued after the meeting, has decided to recommend to the Government of the German Democratic Republic a number of measures aimed at decisively improving the conditions of all sections of the population and for strengthening the legal system in the Republic. The Political Bureau proceeded from the fact that in the past the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and the Government of the German Democratic Republic made a number of mistakes expressed in such decision and orders as, for example, the decision concerning the new system of issuing ration books, about placing abandoned farmsteads under trusteeship, in the extraordinary measures in relation to state purchases, in the rigid tax collection, etc. The interests of such strata of the population as individual peasants, retail traders, artisans and intelligentsia were neglected. In operating the above-mentioned decisions and orders serious mistakes were committed in addition in the regions, districts and villages. A consequence of this was that many people left the Republic. In adopting these decisions, says the communique, the Political Bureau has in view the great aim of restoring the unity of Germany, which require from both sides the carrying out of measures that would concretely facilitate the drawing together of the two parts of Germany. For these reasons the Political Bureau considers that, in addition to revising the plan for developing heavy industry, it will be necessary in the near future to carry out a number of measures for the purpose of rectifying the mistakes and improving the living conditions of the workers, peasants, intelligentsia, artisans and other middle strata of the population. The Political Bureau outlined the measures to be taken in the sphere of trade and supply, in the sphere of agriculture and also in relation to facilitating contact between the German Democratic Republic and Western Germany. In order to expand output of consumer goods produced by small and middle private enterprises and in order to extend the trading network adequate credits shall be made available without delay to artisans, retail and wholesale traders privately owned industrial building and transport enterprises. The compulsory measures taken in relation to small, middle and well-to-do peasants, artisans, retail and wholesale traders, private owners of industrial, building and transport enterprises, that is, in relation to the private sector of the national economy as a whole, for tax arrears and social insurance dating from the end of 1951, must be abandoned. Should owners of enterprises, who in the recent period closed their enterprises or gave them away, express the desire to reopen them, this desire must be immediately taken into consideration. Moreover, the organs of the state commercial trade shall, on a more extensive scale and on the basis of agreement, utilise private retail traders for the purpose of ensuring a better supply system for the population. The Political Bureau further suggests that the decision concerning trusteeship for abandoned farmsteads be abrogated and that the establishing of trusteeship for failure to fulfil state delivery quotas or for tax arrears on the part of the peasants be prohibited. Peasants (small, middle and well-to-do) who, due to the difficulties encountered in running their farmsteads, abandoned thorn and went to Western Berlin or Western Germany must be given the opportunity to return to them. If in exceptional cases this is impossible, then they must be fully compensated. Those peasants who return must be granted credits and the agricultural implements necessary for working their farms. It is necessary to revise the penalties for non-fulfilment of the obligatory deliveries of tax obligations. The Political Bureau suggests that the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry be instructed to carry out the necessary measures so that the interests of agricultural producer co-operatives are observed. The Political Bureau further suggests that all citizens who left the Republic and who are now returning to the German Democratic Republic or to the democratic sector of Berlin shall have their confiscated property restored to them. In instances where this is impossible, they must get compensation. Those who return shall not be subjected to any form of discrimination for the fact of their flight. With the help of the competent organs, of the regional and district councils they shall, in accordance with professions and skills, be drawn into economic and social life and shall have full civic rights (German passport, ration books, etc.). The Political Bureau, further considers that the question of issuing permits for residence in the German Democratic Republic to Citizens of Western Germany and Western Berlin, as well as of inter-zonal passports be revised with a view to facilitating contact between Eastern and Western Germany. When considering applications for residence in the German Democratic Republic from citizens in Western Germany and Western Berlin family circumstances should be taken into account. Scientists and art workers, in particular, should be granted facilities for attending meetings in Western Germany and also art workers from Western Germany for attending meetings held in the German Democratic Republic. The Political Bureau further recommends that the Government of the German Democratic Republic should instruct the judicial organs immediately to release persons sentenced, on the basis of the law for defence of public property, to a term of 1-3 years, with the exception of cases involving heavy consequences. The recommendation also envisages the release of persons undergoing preliminary examination, charged on the basis of the law for defence of public property and whose crime is not liable to severer punishment than the minimum of 1-3 years of imprisonment. The Political Bureau has decided to recommend to the Government of the German Democratic Republic to renew, beginning with July 1, the issuing of ration books to all citizens in the German Democratic Republic and in the democratic sector of Berlin in accordance with the legitimate nature of their work, to abolish, beginning with June 15, 1953, the higher prices established in April this year for a number of confectionery item, and also to effect a further substantial reduction of fares for definite categories of the working people.
“For a Lasting Peace, For a People’s Democracy! Bucharest. Organ of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties NO 25 (241), FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1953”
The distinguishing feature of the present international situation is the powerful growth of the forces of the peace supporters, the widespread popular movement for the settlement of controversial international problems by means of negotiation. The events of recent months convincingly confirm the possibility of easing the tension in the international situation, of finding ways and means for consolidating peace and the security of the nations. At the same time there is fresh evidence that the enemies of peace have not abandoned their criminal activity directed against the peaceful settlement of international problems. Seeking to realise their perfidious designs they stop at no means, at no criminal provocation. Such a provocation, directed against peace and the security of the peoples, was recently engineered in Berlin by the fascist hirelings of the Western Powers. Resorting to the methods of the Nazi killers, and adding to them the methods of American gangsters, the organisers of the provocation engineered disturbances in the democratic sector of Berlin, which were accompanied by arson and attempts on the life of functionaries of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, functionaries of the mass organisations and the state apparatus of the German Democratic Republic. Although American and West German propaganda is doing its utmost to distort the essence of the recent events in Berlin, it will not succeed in misleading world public opinion or in covering up the real initiators of the gamble. The investigations carried out by the authorities of the German Democratic Republic clearly revealed the true state of affairs. The U.S. secret service engaged in long preparations for the Berlin gamble. It was financed from the funds allocated by the U.S. Congress in 1951 for subversive activity against the U.S.S.R., against the countries of the democratic camp. Nor did the British and French occupation authorities remain aloof from this adventure. The Berlin provocation was prepared and carried out under the direct leadership of Bonn’s reactionary rulers Adenauer and Kaiser, and of the Social Democratic leaders Ollenhauer and Reuter, in line with the military authorities of the Western Powers. It was the reactionary circles of the Western Powers, the Adenauer clique and its accomplices which plotted and directed the gamble. The liquidation of the democratic system and establishment of a fascist dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic—this was the aim of the conspiracy against the cause of peace and German unity. The adventure, organised by the imperialist hirelings in Berlin—the deliberate and planned nature of which even the Western reactionary press cannot conceal—coincided with the brazen provocation of Syngman Rhee—puppet ruler of South Korea. It was precisely during these days that on Rhee’s orders with the connivance of the Americans, the prisoners of war who, in accordance with the agreement reached, were to be placed in the hands of a commission of neutral states, were “released” en masse from the camps of South Korea. Was it by chance that these provocations coincided? Not at all. Both provocations are links in one chain. Their aim is the same—to prevent the forces of peace from easing the international situation and to unloose the forces of war. Was it fortuitous that the inspirers and organisers of the criminal gambles in Korea and Berlin selected precisely this moment for them? Every honest man and woman will find a clear answer to this question by recalling the events that preceded them. In Korea, after prolonged negotiations agreement was reached for the repatriation of prisoners of war. The signing of this agreement removed the last obstacle to concluding an armistice and ending the war. This agreement, which was welcomed with great joy by people of good will throughout the world, represented a serious step towards relaxing the international tension. The Government of the German Democratic Republic, acting on the suggestion of the Socialist Unity Party, adopted a series of important decisions and carried out a series of measures designed to bring together the East and West parts of Germany and also to secure a considerable improvement in the standard of living of broad sections of the population. These measures were enthusiastically welcomed by honest Germans both in Eastern and in Western Germany. They were justly evaluated by world democratic public opinion as important steps on the way towards creating a common basis for the re-unification of Germany on a democratic footing, for converting it into a united, independent, democratic, peaceloving state. Each step on the way towards establishing a united, democratic Germany cannot but contribute to relaxing the international tension to consolidating peace and security in Europe. But, it is just this that the US reactionary circles and their allies in Western Germany do not want. They regard this as a serious menace to their policy—the policy of unleashing a new war. The Berlin provocation, organised by fascist cutthroats under the leadership of American officers, could not but fail and indeed did fail. It could not but fail because the broad sections of the population in the democratic sector of Berlin and in the German Democratic Republic did not support it. The adventure directed against the vital interests of the German people, against the cause of peace, was resolutely smashed. The failure of the fascist provocation has opened the eyes of many who were taken in by the false propaganda of reaction. Mass meetings and rallies at which the working people resolutely condemn the fascist provocateurs and express full confidence in the Government of the German Democratic Republic and in the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, are being held in the German Democratic Republic and in the democratic sector of Berlin. Answering the provocations of the reactionaries the advanced workers are intensifying their efforts to fulfil and overfulfil production plans and are submitting applications for membership of the Socialist Unity Party. The intelligentsia, peasants and the broad masses of the population are supporting the measures taken by the Party and the Government. The enemies of peace seek to utilise the provocation in Berlin for the struggle against the powerful movement of the German people for peace and for the democratic unity of their homeland. But they will not succeed in deflecting the honest workers of the German Democratic Republic from the correct path. Nor will they succeed in deflecting the German patriots in Western Germany from the correct path, patriots who are resolutely resisting the Bonn and Paris military treaties and the anti-people’s revanchist policy of the Adenauer clique. No matter the provocations and gambles to which the enemies of peace resort, they will never weaken the desire of the peoples for lasting peace throughout the world. They will not shake the firm determination of the millions of people in all countries to fight for the great cause of peace and to uphold it to the end. This determination, this will of the peoples finds clear expression in the Declaration of the recent session of the World Peace Council calling for a world-wide campaign in the interests of negotiations. All to whom the cause of peace is dear are drawing lessons and conclusions from the recent provocations of the reactionary forces. It would be criminal carelessness to blunt vigilance in relation to the machinations of the enemies of peace. Analysing its work and drawing lessons from the recent events in Berlin the Socialist Unity Party disclosed serious errors committed by it during the past year and subjected them to principled and merciless criticism. Great work is now being carried out inside the Party for the purpose of rectifying the errors, overcoming the weaknesses, enhancing political vigilance and for strengthening the bonds with the working class and the broad masses of the working people. The meeting of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party, held on June 21, adopted an important decision which contains a profound analysis of the situation and places before the Party concrete tasks for reinforcing work among the masses, for unswerving realisation of the new course. The Central Committee suggested, in particular, that Party meetings and meetings of workers be held in all enterprises at which the functionaries must “openly and boldly answer the questions of the workers and of other working people and begin consistent struggle for the interests of the working class, for the wellbeing of all working people, for explaining the new course and carrying it out, for overcoming the incorrect views held by honest workers, but against the provocateurs”. The Communist and Workers’ Parties, which regard the struggle for peace as their paramount task, are strengthening their bonds with the masses, whetting vigilance in relation to the machinations of reaction, tirelessly exposing the antipeople’s policy and the criminal designs of the enemies of peace. The Communist and Workers’ Parties, the most loyal and consistent fighters for the vital interests of the working people, are raising still higher the banner of peace, national independence of the peoples’ and democratic freedoms.
“For a Lasting Peace, For a People’s Democracy ! Bucharest. Organ of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties NO 26 (242), FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1953”
The 14th plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany took place in Berlin on June 21 under the chairmanship of Otto Grotewohl. Comrade Grotewohl reported to the Central Committee on the situation and the direct tasks of the Party. Comrade Grotewohl elaborated the content of the decisions taken by the Political Bureau on June 9, 1953, and dwelt on their profound national and international significance. The Bonn and Western Berlin warmongers, taking advantage of the discontent of a section of the population, long ago prepared a fascist provocation against the German Democratic Republic aimed at frustrating an all-German agreement and the measures taken by the German Democratic Republic to improve the conditions of the population. After the collapse of the fascist gamble it is necessary, by means of immediate and wide rallying of the entire Party, to organise fundamental explanatory work among the popular masses and above all among the working class in order to restore the closest contact between the Party, Government and the population and to rally the working people for carrying out the new line of the Party and the Government and for active struggle against all enemy provocations. Comrade Grotewohl then dwelt on the second series of measures designed to facilitate further improvement of the conditions of the population and of the working class in the first instance. Comrades Deter, Buchwitz, Seibt, Ulbricht, Ackermann, Mewis, Kirchner, Kuba, Mielke, Becher, Stoph, Oelssner, Hager, Elli Schmidt and Herta Bergmann took part in the discussion. The Central Committee approved the report made by Comrade Grotewohl and the text of the Central Committee statement “concerning the situation and direct tasks of the Party”. Afterwards Comrade Grotewohl delivered a concluding speech.
The Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany at its meeting held on June 21 discussed the situation in the German Democratic Republic and adopted the following decision: I. COURSE OF EVENTS The events in the German Democratic Republic are directly linked with the development of the international and national situation. The decisive distinguishing feature of the international situation is the powerful growth of the forces of the world camp of peace during the past few months. An armistice agreement is pending in Korea. In Italy the people have won a big victory over reaction. Resistance to participation in the American policy of war is growing in Britain and France. In Western Germany the patriotic movement for the re-unification of Germany is growing. Based on the initiative of the world camp of peace a worldwide movement of the peoples for the solution of controversial questions by means of peaceful negotiations is unfolding. In every country the influence of the peace policy of the Soviet Union, China, the German Democratic Republic and other parts of the world camp of peace is spreading more and more, for this policy coincides with the interests of the peoples. As a result the American and German warmongers find themselves in a difficult situation. They see the crash of their plans. The third world war, which they would like to unleash as quickly as possible, is being put off for a long time. In their anxiety they resort to adventurist measures. One of these measures was the fixing of June 17, 1953, as “X-day”, when they planned to deliver, from Berlin, a heavy blow at the German Democratic Republic. This was an attempt, utilising the Western Berlin bridgehead, to switch to Germany the flames of war which the peoples are putting out in Korea. This attempt will suffer fiasco. Why did the warmongers choose this particular moment for their fascist provocation against the German Democratic Republic? On June 11 the Government of the German Democratic Republic decided on measures which will lead to the further strengthening of the German Democratic Republic and contribute in a big way to the struggle for a united Germany, for agreement between Germans. With a view to ensuring a decisive improvement in the conditions of the working people, and of the workers in the German Democratic Republic in the first place, it took a number of measures including those designed to increase the output of consumer goods, for developing private initiative in handicraft industry and in small and medium industry by widely granting credits and the necessary raw materials and other materials. It put an end to the excesses in financial policy in relation to transport fares and social insurance. People who fled from the Republic, including wealthy peasants, were granted permission to return with all confiscated property restored to them; thousands who had been arrested were released. Pupils expelled from the middle schools and school teachers who had been dismissed were reinstated. The zonal borders and the sector borders in Berlin were thrown wide open. The effect throughout Germany of the decisions of the Political Bureau and the Government made the position of the warmongers still more difficult and prompted them to provoke, as quickly as possible, the long-prepared “X-day”. The Party and the Government began to correct the political line hitherto pursued in the German Democratic Republic since this line had not led to a rapid rise in the standard of living of the population of the German Democratic Republic and did not conform to the all-German struggle for unity and peace. The Political Bureau stated that the general situation called for re-consideration in a new light of the course hitherto regarded as correct. Being the leadership of a MarxistLeninist Party the Political Bureau publicly announced its conclusions, pointed to the mistakes made last year and recommended to the Government the first steps for correcting the mistakes. It had already begun to elaborate a general plan for improving the conditions of the working people which would be submitted to the Central Committee for approval. At this moment the Western agencies resolved on “X-day” in order to frustrate realisation of the turn towards improving conditions in the German Democratic Republic. The enemies of the people themselves openly spoke about “X-day”. Jakob Kaiser said: “It is possible that X-day will come soon... Our job is to be prepared in the best possible way for solving all the problems. The general plan, it can be said, is ready!”. In Western Germany there was, and there is now, an American agency which, on instructions from Washington, is plotting war and civil war. In Western Germany and in Western Berlin Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser and Reuter directly organised the preparations for “X-day”. For instance, in the guise of a “research council”, and, with the active aid of the Americans; a special headquarters was set up in the Ministry headed by Jakob Kaiser for the purpose of carrying out acts of sabotage and acts of civil war; this “research council” received millions of marks from the secret funds of the foreign and German imperialists. In Western Berlin Kaiser and Reuter systematically trained and armed in terror organisations war criminals, militarist and criminal elements. American gangster methods were added to the old experience of the fascist assassins: in this way fascist scum were brought together again, Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser and Reuter, jointly with the foreign warmongers, bear full responsibility for the blood shed during the smashing of the fascist gamble. For the purpose of unleashing their provocation the enemies used the discontent which arose among certain sections of the population as a result of our policy of last year. On June 13, 1953, during a pleasure cruise for the workers of the state-owned “Industriebau Berlin” enterprise, a cruise in which enemy agents from some of the big enterprises took part, preparations were made for a strike of building workers. The date for the provocation was fixed for Tuesday, June 16. Simultaneously, the enemies infiltrated bandit columns, supplied with sulphur, phosphorus and petrol bottles and arms through the sector borders for the purpose of turning, by means of deceit and inciting slogans, the work stoppage of honest building workers into a demonstration against the Government and, by means of arson, robbery and gunfire, to impart to this demonstration the appearance of a revolt. Simultaneously, they instructed groups of agents in other parts of the Republic to organise similar actions next day, and in yet other places a day later. The fascist degenerates, infiltrated from Western Berlin and guided from there, organised looting of food stores, attacked hostels of the working youth, clubs and shops and tried to murder Party functionaries and functionaries of the mass organisations and state apparatus who courageously defended our democratic system. On the basis of lists prepared in the agency centres in Western Berlin fascist and other criminals were set free in a number of places, as was the case, for instance, with the SS woman Erna Dorn commandant of the Ravensbruk concentration camp for women, sentenced by a democratic court for her savage crimes against humanity. Thus an attempt was made to establish a fascist regime in the German Democratic Republic and to block Germany’s way to unity and peace. As a result of the timely steps taken by broad sections of the population, heroically supported by the people’s police, and as a result of the steps taken by the Soviet occupation authorities who imposed a curfew, the foul encroachment on the German Democratic Republic, on Germany and on world peace ignominiously failed within 24 hours. As a result, the premeditated wholesale bloodshed was averted.
II. PRESENT SITUATION Calm prevails throughout the Republic. Work is proceeding normally. A large number of provocateurs have been arrested while the others do not dare to raise their heads at the moment. However, calm is far from being completely ensured. The enemy is continuing his subversive activity. Foreign aircraft are parachuting—as was the case previously over Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and elsewhere—groups of bandits equipped with arms and secret radio transmitters. Trucks intercepted on the Leipzig-Berlin highway were found to be carrying arms for groups as yet undiscovered. The enemy is switching to largescale acts of sabotage. With the participation of Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser and Reuter, who personally are inspiring the bandit columns, the provocative RIAS radio station is trying might and main to breathe new life into the lost gamble. At the same time changes in the tactics of the enemy can be observed. The undiscovered groups of the enemy agency have been told to go to earth and camouflage themselves. Simultaneously the enemy is circulating secret slogans and is trying to provoke new disturbances. In view of the fact that large masses of the workers are now aware of the aims for which the enemy sought to use their discontent, the latter is resorting to acts of provocation in the rural districts. He is calling for sabotage of supplies for the urban population in order to get a fresh pretext for fostering discontent among the workers. Consequently the task now is resolutely to smash the enemy completely to liquidate the fascist gangs and, with our own forces; create a firm basis for order and ensure realisation of the new course of the Party and the Government. What is needed for this?
III. OUR PARTY AND THE WORKING CLASS For this it is necessary above all to clear up the confusion among those sections of the working class which allowed themselves to be deceived by the enemy, that those who, without realising or without wishing it, succumbed to the influence of their mortal enemies—the monopoly capitalists and fascists—get rid of this influence so that the relations of confidence between the working class, the Party and the Government are restored. What is the situation today? The overwhelming majority of the enterprises throughout the Republic did not take part in the strikes. In many instances the workers chased the groups which came to their enterprises and urged them to strike; they demonstratively remained at work just to show that they were against the stoppage. In many cases the workers spontaneously pledged to increase output in order to prove their loyalty to our Party and our Republic and to make up for the losses. But in many of the enterprises which took part in the strikes and where work has now been resumed some of the workers are embittered. They think that the Party and the Government have abandoned them. They still do not realise that the smashing of the fascist provocation benefits them as well, that it is the basis for their future life. They still have not grasped the interrelation of events with the result that they see only their own local, production demands and thus lose sight of the decisive factor that the fascist provocation took place because and after the Government had decided on a number of measures aimed not only at satisfying the just demands of the working people but also for the creation—and this constitutes a new course!—of an economic life and of conditions in the enterprises and throughout the German Democratic Republic which will not brook repetition of failure to respond to just demands. Above all, these workers do not realise that their worst enemies—the American and the big capitalists in Western Germany who trample on their own workers, throwing millions of them onto the streets, dooming them to hunger and demoralising them—use their demands in furtherance of their own aims the realisation of which must inevitably lead to a situation in which the security and life of the workers in the German Democratic Republic are placed in jeopardy. The overwhelming majority of the workers who were taken in by the provocateurs realised this the moment they saw the provocateurs selling fire; using petrol and phosphorus, to workers’ clubs, the hostels of the working youth and the factory canteens built with the hands of the workers. “We did not want this!”, they said. “We are not doing the right thing”. The present moment calls for work and the Party will not play into the hands of the enemy: it will not dissipate its forces on talk as to how things could have reached such a pass among part of the working people. At the present moment we must act. Therefore the Central Committee, at this decisive moment, says but one thing: if the masses of workers do not understand the Party then the Party and not the workers is to blame! From this principled standpoint all functionaries and members of our Party must draw the conclusion of the need most carefully to distinguish between honest working people upholding their interests who temporarily fell under the influence of provocateurs, and the provocateurs themselves. The honest workers who temporarily had been led astray have not, because of this, ceased to be honest worker, and they must be respected as such. Those honest workers who have not yet realised their mistake, also have not ceased to be honest workers because of this, and must be respected as such. It is they precisely who most of all need the help and patience of the Party. It is they precisely who most of all need the Socialist Unity Party, even if this is not yet clear to them. The Central Committee expects all Party members and functionaries to prove now the maturity of their consciousness and their magnanimity by conducting wholehearted work precisely among this section of the working class. The Central Committee expect, at the same time, that all members and functionaries of the Party will take sharper action against the real provocateurs, expose them before the working masses and, with their help, hand them over to the security organs. Firmly resolved to defend with an iron hand the interests of the workers against fascist provocation the Central Committee is, at the same time, fully aware that along with this the Party must effect a change in its approach to the working class, beginning from today! The need for this change is proved by the attitude displayed by many functionaries and Party members during these days. While tens of thousands of our functionaries and Party members have maintained and maintain now the closest contact with the masses, other tens of thousands sit at their desks, draft all sorts of circulars and wait. The Party must at any moment and particularly just now be with the masses. The entire Party must he rallied for the purpose of patiently convincing the masses. The Central Committee therefore expects that functionaries in all spheres, functionaries of the central apparatus, in the regions and districts will, from tomorrow on, go to the enterprises. In all enterprises Party meetings and meetings of workers must be held at which our functionaries must openly and boldly answer the questions of the workers and other working people and begin consistent struggle for the interests of the working class, for the wellbeing of all working people, for explaining the new line and carrying it out, for overcoming the incorrect views of the honest workers, but against the provocateur. The test of the success of our explanatory work will be the adoption by the worker-collectives of a decision, based all inner conviction, to support the new political course of the Party and Government, the realisation by them of the need for active struggle against all provocateurs, open and secret.
IV. IMMEDIATE MEASURES No foul attempts at interference by the foreign and German warmongers will force the Central Committee to abandon the work of carrying out the new course. In these attempts it sees but further confirmation of the correctness of its course. It is going ahead with the new course in a planned way. The decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of June 9 and the decision of the Government of the German Democratic Republic of June 11 outline the first measures of the new course the basic aim of which is, in connection with the reduction of planned assignments in heavy industry, to improve the living standards of the workers, peasants, intelligentsia, handicraftsmen and other middle strata of the population. The Central Committee adopts today, within the framework of the far-reaching economic changes, the realisation of which is called for by the new course, the second series of measures: 1. Wages shall be based on the norms which prevailed up to April 1, 1953. 2. Reduction of fares for workers with season tickets will, beginning with July 1, 1953, constitute, for workers and office employees receiving up to 500 marks per month, 75 per cent as against the former regulation. 3. The minimum old-age pension, disability and accident pensions are increased from 65 to 75 marks per month. The minimum widow’s pension is increased from 55 to 65 marks per month. Pensions received for partial disability are increased from 45 to 55 marks per month. Where the wife (husband) of a pensioner in receipt of oldage pension, disability or accident pension does not get a pension and is incapacitated or has reached old age, the extra sum paid to the husband or wife shall be increased to make the pension of the two, together with the extra sum, amount to a minimum of 95 marks per month. 4. Inclusion of holidays for treatment or for recuperation of health at the expense of the annual holiday is nullified. 5. The decision of March 19, 1953, excluding voluntary insurance from social insurance is nullified. Assurance pensions, additional insurance and life insurance which prevailed up to March 31, 1953 are restored for all citizen’s in accordance with the old rates and rights. German insurance agencies shall accept health policyholders without medical examination in accordance with the rates which prevailed up to April 1, 1953. 6. The building and repair of apartments, particularly in the large cities and industrial centres, must be considerably extended. At the expense of the sums saved from curtailing investments in heavy industry and in industry of the basic means of production, to allocate in 1953 a supplementary sum, in addition to that stipulated in the plan, of 600 million marks for extending housing (new construction, extensions, repairs), and also for street repairs. 7. To allocate an additional sum of 30 million marks in 1953 for improving hygienic and sanitary installations in the publicly-owned enterprises. The trade unions leadership in the enterprises shall submit corresponding proposals to the Central Boards of their unions which shall verify these proposals and submit them with their viewpoint to the respective Ministries for their decision. Publicly-owned enterprises of local industry must forward their proposals to the regional organ. 8. In 1953 an extra 40 million mark shall be allocated for construction, extension and rehabilitation of socio-cultural premises and buildings in the system of the public health services, such as, for example, the one-day rest homes, trade union sanatoria, kindergartens and creches. 9. Provision of workers with footwear and overalls shall be improved in accordance with the proposals submitted by the Board of the Amalgamated Free German Trade Unions. 10. In the third quarter the daily cuts of electricity for the population shall be annulled by restricting consumption of electric power by heavy industry. The State Secretariat for electric power is requested to submit to the Government by August, 1953, the necessary proposals for ensuring an adequate supply of electricity to the population during the winter months. The Central Committee will, in the near future, meet again —following the elaboration of further essential measures—in order fully to inform the Party and the public about all problems in connection with the new political and economic tasks. Already today the Central Committee draws attention to the basic fact that the initiative of the Party and the Government for improving the standard of living of all sections of the population can be successfully realised only in case the working people, convinced of the need for a systematic increase in labour productivity, further develop emulation, spread the methods of the innovators and raise to the proper level leadership and organisation in the publicly-owned industrial enterprises. The Central Committee, therefore, welcomes the decisions of the many factory collectives which have called for making good the considerable production losses caused by the destruction and outrages. Let every Party member, every working man and woman realise that the preservation of peace and the realisation of German unity depends, in large measure, on raising the standard of living in the German Democratic Republic, on the consolidation of our democratic state power, on the creation of a really model democratic state on German soil. Adenauer, Ollenhauer, Kaiser and Reuter have taken a course for war. Hence they direct blows against us. Hence Western Germany is being converted into a centre of fascism and reaction. Our Party and our Government stand for peace. Therefore, we follow the course of a model peace economy. Our new course is the keenest weapon in the hands of all Germans against any military provocation on German soil. To work, comrades! Whet your vigilance, redouble your efforts and strengthen discipline. Long live the Socialist Unity Party of Germany—the standard bearer in the fight for peace, unity and democracy! Long live the Government of the German Democratic Republic, the Government of peace and labour! Long live the President of the German Democratic Republic Wilhelm Pieck!
“For a Lasting Peace, For a People’s Democracy ! Bucharest. Organ of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties NO 26 (242), FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1953”