Restoration of Capitalism-3

What are the “theories” of restoration which are current in the movement?

VI. There are three different approaches as regards theories of restoration: based on one
We have seen that by 1957 our world communist movement have betrayed Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism and thus Lenin-Stalin plan of victory of world proletarian revolution-world communism!
If we look at this movement, as it was in 1957, we can see that there is actually no difference amongst them as regards plan of building socialism-communism: it is pure and simple Titoite plan of building socialism-communism; thus it is Trotskyite plan of building socialism-communism and that lead them to their Titotie-Trotskyite plan of world proletarian revolution-world communism.
When the differences arises and thus when differing and indeed “opposing” lines, nay more antagonist lines and thus movements arise all these are based on this Titoite - Trotskyite base.
Let us see what they are:
1. “Pro Soviet Line- Pro Soviet movement”: This movement right from the start tramples underfoot the last Stalin 5 year plan of building communism (not building socialism-for socialism have already been built) and with this tramples underfoot Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism. With it of course, the Lenin-Stalin plan of victory of the world proletarian revolution-world communism is also thrown overboard.
If we know nothing we know this that after Lenin’s death the enemies of Leninism proposed that Lenin is not a god and thus could be criticized and could be a subject of discussion by all and on all matters. We knew that behind this seemingly innocent proposal lay the desire of enemies of Leninism to distort Leninism, to distort the line of the party, to distort Lenin (Stalin) Plan of building socialism-communism and thus Lenin (Stalin) Plan of victory of world proletarian revolution-world communism. Comrade Stalin told them that is exactly what they are trying to do and they themselves have been thrown overboard by the Party. Their plan of attacking Leninism and Lenin was defeated! They were not allowed to discuss Lenin and Leninism!
But after comrade Stalin died the enemies of Leninism-Stalinism did not only proposed to criticise Stalin, did not only propose that all should be able to discuss him, his views, his line, they actually attacked him in all sorts of most disgusting ways-with the main aim of distorting and destroying the Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism and the Lenin-Stalin plan of victory of the world proletarian revolution-world communism.
Comrades from “Pro Soviet Line-Pro Soviet movement” knows this. They do not oppose this. Thus they themselves are nothing but enemies of Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism and the Lenin-Stalin plan of victory of the world revolution-world communism.
They have of course this line of defence: we are the defender of Soviet Union against its enemies; we are the defender of the party line and party discipline. While those who oppose the Soviet Union (of Khrushchev and Brezhnev and Gorbachev) are traitors to the cause!
They would have been right had the CPSU leadership been defending Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism and the Lenin-Stalin plan of victory of the world revolution-world communism. But CPSU leadership was not doing so. They were opposing it. They were most clearly engaged in destroying the Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism and the Lenin-Stalin plan of victory of the world proletarian revolution-world communism, they were most clearly engaged in destroying socialism in the USSR and preparing the ground and working to achieve its destruction and thus preparing the ground and working to achieve the destruction of world proletarian revolution-world communism.
The defenders of Soviet Union in line with the line of the CPSU leaders were engaged in the same acts of betrayal themselves!
Did they know this?
As we said before it matters not if they did know or if they did not know. They did it and that is what matters.
If they did not know what they had been doing, and one realise one’s mistake, one can always correct oneself. We do not see them trying to correct their mistakes, does anyone?
This movement, this group used to declare that restoration of capitalism in the USSR is impossible.
Well, that makes sense does it not?
Is not Tito line which is a Trotsky Line a line of restoration of capitalism in Yugoslavia? Yes it is!
Do these comrades declare this line to be one of the ways of building socialism-Yugoslav way of building socialism? Yes they do!
Do they not, following this declared the Chinese line, the Mao line which is almost the same as the Yugoslav and Tito way of building socialism, as Chinese way of building socialism? Yes they did!
If even Tito the Anglo-American spy with a line of restoration of capitalism can be declared as a builder of socialism; if different ways of restoration of capitalism can be declared ways of building socialism, if even a spy led restoration of capitalism can be declared a way of building socialism no wonder these comrades think that it is impossible to restore capitalism whatever one does-even when what one does can do nothing but lead to the restoration of capitalism! Well even if one is a spy of Anglo-American imperialism.
Disregard the priority development of means of production, this law of economics first openly and then accept it in words while doing things to undermine it in practice: and at the same time keep declaring that capitalism cannot be restored!
Disregard the product exchange between industry and kolkhozes, declare it as a stupidity par excellence and demand nothing but commodity exchange, and take if further and declare that even under communism there will be commodities and commodity exchange and at the same time keep declaring that capitalism cannot be restored!
Declare that each unit of production must be profitable within itself and disregard the national profitability all together, although it is the most important form of profitability under socialism, thus block the technological advance of the production and block planning and at the same time keep declaring that capitalism cannot be restored!
Sell the MTS’s to the kolkhozes, thus block the development of production technique of agriculture and cut the relationship between industrial workers of cities and kolkhoz peasants of rural areas and develop commodification in the relation of town and countryside instead of narrowing and getting rid of this commodification and furthermore when the kolkhozes cannot pay the money they borrowed from the banks to buy the MTSs tell the banks to be profitable themselves they must confiscate the kolkhozes (that is why Khrushchev was toppled) and at the same time keep declaring that capitalism cannot be restored!
Misuse our reserves to provide plenty of consumer goods however temporary and end up devaluing the Ruble and increasing the prices and at the same time keep declaring that capitalism cannot be restored!
Hide away computerisation, thus block full automaton, thus abundance, thus high culture for all, thus full accounting and control by all, thus development of democracy to the level of direct democracy by all, thus make communism impossible and at the same time keep declaring that capitalism cannot be restored!
Etc etc etc, for there is no end to their distortion of our theory and practice and at the same time they keep declaring that capitalism cannot be restored!
Clearly if everything done to restore capitalism everything done to distort our line is called either building socialism (as in the case of Yugoslavia) or building communism as in the case of USSR during Khrushchev time or building developed socialism during Brezhnev’s time -even during Gorbachev’s time-then it is obvious that these comrades cannot see any restoration of capitalism anywhere and anytime. Whatever done in the USSR, in the People’s Democracies; and what ever done all around the world by the parties not yet in power all of which are betrayals of our line; are Trotskyism par excellence and thus restoration of capitalism and destruction of world proletarian revolution and world communism are declared to be the defence of world communism!
No wonder it is declared that capitalism cannot be restored come what may!
This of course is not just a matter of restoration of capitalism in the USSR and People’s democracies, and the destruction of world communism, destruction of all our parties; it is also and at the same time the very defence of world imperialism that was and is facing total destruction: well, come what may, the world imperialism and with it all its defenders will be destroyed, world communism will be established and full automation of production and abundance for all and peace for all and dfirect democracy by all will be achieved!
If you were and if you are the defender of this line, either make your self-criticism and join the united communism, of be forever damned!

2. “Pro-China Line- Pro-China Line Movement”
Did Communist Party of China and comrade Mao ever objected to any of these-and more!
No! I repeat: No! Neither did Albanian Labour Party and comrade Enver
Objection to the law of priority development of production of means of production as expressed by Malenkov in August 1953, is openly defended by CPC and comrade Mao: his infamous policy of walking on two legs (one leg being development of heavy industry and other leg being development of consumer goods) is nothing but the defence of Malenkov’s view on the priority of development of production of consumer goods. This walking on two legs is nothing but declaration of none priority of development of means of production-and we know that this view is exactly what the defenders of the pro soviet line defended either directly or indirectly!).
How did Khrushchev met the line of priority development of means of production, of heavy industry-but actually undermining it? By production of tractors-thus production of all the factories to produce these tractors etc; by production of artificial-chemical fertilisers -thus production of all the factories to produce these artificial fertilisers etc ;and of curse by production of war machines-thus production of all the factories to produce these war machines etc and that not just to defend the USSR and people’s democracies but to give these war machines cheaply to the bourgeois-war making- states; (and many other production facilities were provided for anti-communist bourgeois states-in the name of none-capitalist development of so called independent states). Making sure that priority development of machines building machines is disregarded, our technological development is disregarded, our computerisation, our automation is disregarded! And how does comrades of ALP and comrade Enver meet his priority development of means of production? As we said before by declaration that extraction industry – mining industry whose machinery has to be imported has priority: and ALP and Comrade Enver declare this to be the way one meets the demands of the law of priority development of means of production.
By following this lines of Comrade Enver can you build your independent industry that is also capable of supporting agriculture-and providing the means of defence of your country? No you cannot! If you cannot do so can you build socialism? No you cannot. Only through the support of other and already industrialised socialist countries can you build socialism, and that as part of the union of socialist countries, as one part of the co-operating socialist countries: and if you find yourself in this situation you should be more careful than anybody else that the motherland of socialism, USSR, is not lost to the traitors, it is not diverted from the line of building socialism-communism of Lenin-Stalin; and thus from the line of the victory of world communism. If you do not object to the diversion of our motherland from the building of communism and the support of communism all around the world if you do not object to traitors to communism divert our motherland, USSR from building communism, nay more joining them by proposing such views you cannot build your socialism, you cannot have a socialist country!
These parties and these countries, CPC and ALP that could not build socialism abiding with such economic laws and did not build socialism and by doing so and as a matter of fact defended the line of Yugoslav way of building socialism which is nothing but restoration of capitalism turn around and declare that Soviet Union became capitalist and social imperialist as soon as Khrushchev and gang took over the CPSU and USSR!
Just as the declaration that capitalism cannot be restored come what may makes sense for the so-called pro soviet comrades because to them even the line of restoration of capitalism is but building and defence of socialism, so the declaration that Soviet Union became capitalist and social imperialist as soon as Khrushchev and gang took over the CPSU and USSR makes sense for these comrades for these comrades no socialism can be without the bourgeoisie and antagonists! If your socialism is a socialism with the bourgeoisie you declare Stalin’s socialism as a socialism with a bourgeoisie-just like your socialism. From here it goes on like this: if you are in power this socialism with the bourgeoisie is socialism par excellence but it is capitalism, it is social imperialism if Khrushchev-Brezhnev are in power; in fact for Tito version of this approach if Stalin is in Power too. But then should not one be consistent, like Tito and say that even if Stalin is in power what there is not socialism but capitalism-social imperialism for after all he did not walk on two legs and did not declare priority of heavy industry as priority of mining?
All varieties and there are many of this “Pro-China Line- Pro-China Line Movement” transfer pre 1953 determinations of Cominform in relation to Yugoslav mode of restoration of capitalism to USSR: but take note: they never ever refer to the economic reasons given by Cominform as to why the line of Tito would lead to restoration of capitalism and they never ever refer to the specific forms of bourgeois nationalism that would lead the Tito line to the restoration of capitalism! All they repeat endlessly is that Tito and gang took over and capitalism was restored in Yugoslavia!
They want us to forget the facts that in Yugoslavia there was bourgeoisie-mostly in the countryside, the Kulaks but even in the towns; that Yugoslavia did not yet achieve industrialisation, it did not have its own independent industry, did not have an industry that could support the countryside, the peasants in transition to socialism, and most certainly did not have the largest production units in the world; the proposals of Titoites to get rid of all exploiting classes and all bureaucracy was thus at best a petty bourgeois adventurism, and of course would lead to kulaks dominating the countryside and with their close connection to other imperial powers would lead to bourgeoisiefication of the industries and commerce owned by the state too-especially coupled with the so called independency of each industrial units as regards planning and profitability and as regards the so-called ownership by its workers.
We also know that Yugoslav way of restoration of capitalism declares itself to be equally distant from “Soviets” and USA – and as a matter of fact Yugoslavia is one of the leaders of so called none aligned movement-of the third roaders. And this demand for separate development form other socialist countries, especially from USSR-self-reliance as some calls it- represent nothing but a bourgeois nationalism and this can represent nothing but dependence on USA: and that dependence on USA had also happened in Yugoslavia.
All of this was coupled with attack upon Stalin and USSR and People’s democracies, and our parties all around the world and attack on all the communists in Yugoslavia-this transformed Tito’s Yugoslavia into a vicious anti-communist and thus a vicious fascist state.
This pro-China group without much reference to the economic position of Yugoslavia, and while agreeing to all the policies of Tito as one of the ways of building socialism starting from 1955, in fact starting from August 1953, and equating this relatively backward country to the most developed country on earth, to Soviet Union, declares that all developments that occurred in Yugoslavia occurs in USSR too. As regards economic, just as Yugoslavia USSR too is transformed into a capitalist state as soon as Khrushchev take over and since it is one of the most powerful countries on earth, into an imperialist one, social imperialist one; and as regards bourgeois nationalism do not mention the self-reliance since USSR is more than self-reliant-it supported and supports all others for it is a great power and that is, social imperialism pure and simple and thus its nationalism is great Russian nationalism-such is the logic?
They forget or rather they distort that: USSR got rid of the exploiting classes; no more bourgeoisie in the USSR! USSR built its independent industry and in fact had the most developed technique of production on earth and the largest units of production on earth-including in agriculture and in fact in industry and commerce and through state farms in a large section of the agriculture too had one employer-socialist state, all units of production mentioned unified through its ownership and through its planning.
Not only USSR did not really have to buy and sell anything from the imperialist market and nay more was able to make sure that socialist market is built and could survive and develop fast under its leadership and through providing it with all its needs.
They also forget that the best and the strongest communist party was the CPSU, the best socialist state of the working people was the USSR (which also belonged to the proletariat and working people of the whole world) and, and the best working people in the world imbued with Soviet Patriotism which is the proletarian internationalism-lived in the USSR (and let us not forget that proletarians and oppressed nations all around the world considered USSR to be their own motherland). One should never forget the people’s democracies either!
Thus we see that this pro Chinese (pro Albanian) line with their approach to the economic laws of socialism and with their socialism with the bourgeoisie and antagonisms and having to import their machines from abroad are actually propagating the same line as pro soviet line. This antagonism between these two lines is the antagonism of the same mistaken line. The antagonism of these lines is the antagonism of wrong lines originating in Tito-Trotsky and meeting at Tito-Trotsky! Have a look at Tony Cliff the Trot and see that these people are following in the wake of Tony Cliff and his state capitalism under Stalin.
Everything they have proposed and done is just like their comrades in crime, the pro-soviet movement, and Trots of all hues, is a distortion of Lenin-Stalin line of building socialism-communism and thus the distortion of the Lenin-Stalin plan of victory of the world proletarian revolution and world communism!

3. Middle of the roaders
Who are the middle of the roaders? Who are called so by these two “opposing”, “antagonistic” lines representing pro-Soviet and pro-China lines as they are known (there is nothing pro-Soviet or pro-China in their line, those lines are anti Soviet and anti-China for they are both anti-communist!). Could it be that they call everybody who defended the Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism and Lenin-Stalin plan of the victory of world revolution-world communism as middle of the roaders?
Unfortunately not. They have not been called middle of the roaders for their defence of the Lenin-Stalin plan of building socialism-communism and Lenin-Stalin plan of the victory of world revolution-world communism.
They have been called middle of the roaders by the so called pro Soviet and pro Chine movements for not supporting each of them whole heartedly and opposing the other whole heartedly.
If you object to any of the sayings of a sect, be it religious be it political, or indeed if your interpretation does not coincide totally with their interpretation of the sectorial line you end up being rejected. Within the pro-Soviet and pro-China lines one already seas many a variety and enmity within each movement arising from such different interpretations. Middle of the roaders come into being as movements that criticise both the movements: But do take note that middle of the roaders themselves differentiate into many groups whose enmity to each other knows no bounds!
God save one from the wrath of a sect if it is a religious issue; and see if Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin can save you from the wrath of a political sect!
Unfortunately for us all the movement known as middle of the roaders takes on board the wrongs of both the pro-Soviet and pro-China movements and attempts to find the correct path through this muddle. To them Yugoslavia is socialist-just criticise them for the mistakes the middle of the roaders may see. To them USSR is socialist-just criticise them for the mistakes the middle of the roaders may see. To them Korea is socialist-just criticise them for the mistakes the middle of the roaders may see. To them Cuba is socialist-just criticise them for the mistakes the middle of the roaders may see. Just like the pro-Soviet movement they see socialist where ever they look, and when they look more and more just like the pro-china movement they see nothing but revisionism-but with socialism.
They are the great conciliators who are not appreciated by both side of the antagonists of pro-Soviet and pro-China movement: if only they could be understood and obeyed! All problems would have been resolved: we would have socialism led by third roaders all uniting in the none aligned movement under the leadership of comrade Tito’s Yugoslavia; we would have a self-reliant communism by each and every socialist country with its proletarian internationalism of self-reliance of each country big and small-not denying the support of others of course for we are ready to agree to anything to achieve our self-reliance, do we not. We shall build socialism even if we can not build a machine, let alone not being able to build a machine we can not even repair the ones we have, but we can have a socialist country of no machines. We can teach all how to read and write and we can do doctors and sugar in plenty-and complaint about USA embargo after 30 years of USSR support and still no machine building capability. We must be socialist though for we are but a member of none aligned movement led by Tito. Etc.
These comrades of the middle road combine the worse of the pro-Soviet and pro-China movements and claim that they are the solution to all our problems -unfortunately for us they do not solve our problems they simply add to our problems.
In the development of animal life on earth, the transition from the lower to higher, this evolution always gives rise to a form that mediates between the lower and the higher: this mediator contains the characteristics of the lower and characteristics of the higher even if in not yet fully developed form. These mediators are a necessity to move to the higher form of life.
What we have here, in this mediator is nothing of the sort for both sides of the opposites are wrong-are distortions of Marxism and the mediator between these two can not but be wrong- a distortion of Marxism. We do not have a movement from lower to higher with our middle of the roaders mediating between the two; we have lower and lower and a mediator between the two lowest of the low!
Every word uttered by the two opposing lines and their mediator is a step in the direction of reaction. Not only the two opposites are reactionary so is the mediator! Not only the two opposites must be overcome so one must overcome this mediator.
There is no other way forward!
We shall further look into the meaning of these lines and movements in our future talks.